
MCR Bulletin 13/11/14

[EVENT] EBI-Sanger-Cambridge PhD Symposium (eSCAMPS) [EVENT] Tickets available for ‘The Mikado’ [AUDITIONS] ‘Kiss me Kate’ [EVENT] 2014 Cambridge International Development Conference [NOTICE] Introducing Humans of Cambridge, the bedtime story everyone needs [EVENT] Cambridge University...

MCR bulletin 6/11/14

[ADVERT] Pro Bono Opportunities in a Global Legal Practice. [EVENT] Professor Carlos Caldas | Tuesday 11th November 7pm | Plant Sciences Large Lecture Theatre [NOTICE] CAMBRIDGE MAY BALL MARKETPLACE 2015 [ADVERT] Non-Musical Ball Performers...

MCR bulletin 31/10/2014

[EVENT] Professor Roger Penrose on “Cosmology: Before the Beginning and Beyond Eternity” [EVENT] Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club events [EVENT] Ultimate Student DJ Competition with Cam FM and Big Fish – Sunday 9th...

MCR bulletin 23/10/14

[EVENT] Volunteer with Education Partnerships Africa in Summer 2015! [NOTICE] Python’s- American football [EVENT] Active and Passive Immunization against Infectious Disease | Professor Sir Peter Lachmann FRS | Wed 29th October 7pm | Plant...

Clare MCR Membership

Dear Clare MCR, Recently we’ve had several questions about who can be a member of the MCR and what this entails. To (hopefully) clarify the situation we’ve created a document that sets out the...

MCR Bulletin 17/10/14

[EVENT] Coding workshop [EVENT] Lecture: ‘Human Prosperity within Planetary Boundaries’ [EVENT] Gender and Green Governance, 24th October 2014 [EVENT] The Spark of Life: The Story of Ion Channels | Professor Frances Ashcroft [EVENT] Undergraduate...

MCR bulletin 13/10/14- midweek update

[EVENT] BioSoc Discussion with Professor Andrew Fire, Nobel Laureate [NOTICE] Cambridge University Technology & Enterprise Club (CUTEC) are recruiting [TEACHING OPPORTUNITY] Teach Humanities with Reach Cambridge [EVENT] Pembroke Stokes Society talk: “Ebola: Ape Man...

MCR Bulletin 9/10/14

[EVENT] CAMMIGRES Forum, widening participation event [NOTICE] CUANZ – Cambridge University Australian and New Zealand Society [EVENT] CU Consulting Society Launch Event [EVENT] Workshop: Delivering Undergraduate Supervision [EVENT] Cambridge RockSoc Rock & Metal Club...

MCR bulletin 3/10/2014

[AUDITION] The Cambridge University Musical Society Chorus [EVENT] The Digital Agenda for Europe: More Innovative, More Sustainable, More Inclusive?