
Clare MCR Election Results

Can I say a big thank you to everyone who ran in the election and congratulations to all of the newly elected MCR Committee members. The new Committee takes office on the 4th May. The line up following this election is as follows:

Welcome Back- Easter Term

I hope you all had an enjoyable break and that you’re all ready for the best term of the Cantab academic year.

Clare College MCR elections 2015-16

Hey Clare MCR! THE most important election of 2015 will take place on 21st April 2015 for the MCR Committee 2015-16 (and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!). I would thoroughly recommend those of...

Clare Annual Report 2014-15

In 2014 Clare MCR continued to move from strength to strength, proving itself to be the most enviable MCR in all of Cambridge. The MCR continued to offer an outstandingly diverse range of academic...

Clareity Symposium 2015

For the eighth year running, the Clare community of grads, undergrads, CRAs and fellows gathered in the Gillespie centre for a day of sharing ideas. In true humanistic fashion, the breadth of topics covered...

Clare College Guide Dog

Guide Dogs at the MCR

Meet the New members of the Clare MCR: Jemma and Bobby from the Guide Dog Puppy Party. Post by Clare College.

MCR Bulletin 19/2/15

[EVENT] IDENTITY: A UniCORNS discussion group. 8-10pm, 23rd Feb, Barbara White Room, Newnham. [EVENT] Careers in non-profits – panel discussion [EVENT] Stokes Society presents: Dr Amoret Whitaker on “CSI: Crime Scene Insects” [EVENT] 50...

MCR bulletin 29/1/15

[EVENT] Dial M for Improv [EVENT] The Whiston Society: ‘Biological Weapons and the Threat of Manufactured Disease’, the Latimer Room, Thursday 29th January, 7.15PM [EVENT] Queens’ Arts Festival [EVENT] Cambridge Climate & Sustainability Forum:...