Thanks for voting! Your new committee is excited to take office…
Dear Clare MCR,
This is to say thank to everyone who voted in this MCR election. The new committee is excited to take office in about a week.
We’re in the process of finding our feet before the Monday the 4th of May. Meanwhile, If you have any issues or suggestions that you think are important, please let us know(or even if you don’t; we’love to hear from you anyway!). You can email me (ah796) or Jiho (jh607) as well as anyone else in this new committee.
Alternatively we thought it would be nice to arrange an open meeting, provisionally on Thursday afternoon, 7th of May (details to be confirmed). Some of us committee members will be there to hang out and discuss the MCR matters with you. (More importantly, there might be nibble and a drinks!!)
We also would like to get your recommendations on who would fit into one of the following roles. Even if the person in question is hesitant, we will try and persuade him/her with our irresistable charm 😉
Social Secretary (x1)
Sports Officer
St Regis Officer
Lots of Presidential love,