MCR Bulletin 4/9/2014
[AUDITIONS] COOGLES auditions for their September play [RESEARCH VOLUNTEERS] Study at Addenbrookes [EVENT] Steven Pinker Public Lecture on Global Violence Reduction
[AUDITIONS] COOGLES auditions for their September play [RESEARCH VOLUNTEERS] Study at Addenbrookes [EVENT] Steven Pinker Public Lecture on Global Violence Reduction
[VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] CHaOS events [VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] Psychology experiment
[NOTICE] Apply now for graduate union committee [EVENT] COGGLES Show Notice
[EVENT] White Heat: Art, Science and Social Responsibility in the 1960s [VOLUNTEERS] Paid Volunteers for Tetris Study
[VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] visual perception study [GRADUATE UNION] Executive Committee positions in the Graduate Union
[CONFERENCE] Media in Political Transition [VOLUNTEER] Face perception experiment [EVENT] Student Parents’ Formal
[EVENT] End of term Bond bop in Cellars!! What better way to end the May Week mayhem than with one last big night out at Clare cellars? We’ll be celebrating to the theme of...
Hi everyone, Here is this week’s bulletin. Apologies for being a day late. Good luck to everyone rowing bumps! MCR love, Clare [EVENT] The Master’s retirement concert – 5th July 2014 [EVENT] 11th Technology Ventures Conference: Beyond...
[VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] Volunteer your academic skills for good causes! [EVENT] Saturnalia [EVENT] Full Moon “May Ball” Ceilidh – Friday 13 June [EVENT] CUMS May Week Concert Saturday 14 June 2014 [EVENT] CUDGS StarClash –...