MCR Bulletin 26/6/14
- [CONFERENCE] Media in Political Transition
- [VOLUNTEER] Face perception experiment
- [EVENT] Student Parents’ Formal
[CONFERENCE] Media in Political Transition: The Case of Tunisia
Trinity Hall at University of Cambridge on July 15 and 16, 2014
Free and open to all – Registration required by 10 July 2014 by
contacting Élise LapaireDr. Roxane Farmanfarmaian is the Principal Investigator on a new research project we have launched at Cambridge University on Media in Political Transition in the MENA region. This year we are holding a small conference focusing on the case of Tunisia, with several papers drawing from fieldwork conducted by our team in situ this past year – as well as related scholarship from a wider group of academics. Please find attached the conference poster.
The Conference will focus on the multiple changes experienced by the Media as Tunisia undergoes significant political change in the post-Ben Ali period. Focusing on shifts in structural relationships, concepts of public and private, and the development of new political and social narratives, the conference likewise will engage debate on political and media transitions in the region since the uprisings of 2011.
Dr. Farmanfarmaian: POLIS, CIRMENA
Further information can be found at
For all enquiries and REGISTRATION, please contact Élise Lapaire
[VOLUNTEER] Face perception experiment
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We are developing a new test of face perception that is currently in its second pilot testing phase – it is a short, interactive, online test that takes about 5 minutes to complete. In return we are giving away two prizes: one £150 Amazon voucher, and one £50 Amazon voucher.
Click here to take the test. Testing closes Sunday 6 July at noon (GMT).Testing has now closed.To take part, it isn’t necessary that you should be particularly skilled in recognising faces: we’re interested in everyone’s individual abilities. All information and results will be stored and analysed anonymously. If you experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks for your time.
Yours sincerely,
Roeland Verhallen
Department of Psychology
University of Cambridge
[EVENT] Student Parents’ Formal
Ladies and gentlemen,
Wolfson College Student Association is delighted to invite you to our Student Parents’ Formal on Saturday 12th July. This is an event at which both you and your children are very welcome, and we would love to give you the opportunity to experience a traditional college formal dinner as a family and meet other student parents from across the university.
The evening will take the formal of a drinks reception starting at 6pm, followed by a 4 course meal, with entertainment between the final courses for the children. The menu is below. The dinner will cost £18 per adult and £8 per child.
If you would like to attend, please fill in the form below by midnight on Monday 30th June, and we will be in touch regarding payment.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes,
WCSA PresidentMENU:
Cream of Tomato Soup with Herb Croutons
Breaded Breast of Chicken with Tarragon Jus, Button Onions, Mushrooms, Parmentier Potatoes, Peas and Buttered Carrots
Veg: Roasted Vegetable Tartlet with Tomato and Tarragon Sauce, Parmentier Potatoes, Peas and Buttered Carrots
Strawberry Gateau with Sweetened Cream
Coffee & Fruit