[RESEARCH VOLUNTEER] Participants needed for a memory study (£7.50 per hour)
We are looking for volunteers to participate in a study investigating the precision of memory for visual details across the lifespan. The study involves attending one testing session lasting approximately 1.5 hours, during which you’d be completing a memory task on the computer. The study takes place at the BCNI on the Downing Site, and participants are paid at the rate of £7.50 per hour.
We are looking for native English-speaking participants, aged 18-30 years, who have no current or historical diagnosis of any developmental, psychiatric, neurological disorder, or learning difficulty. Participants should also have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and must not be colour blind.
If you’d be interested in taking part, or would like any further details about the study, please email me at smk62@cam.ac.uk.