[RESEARCH VOLUNTEER] Looking for paid research volunteers
Dear Research Volunteer,
You are invited to participate in a new study at the Adaptive Brain Lab. The study involves two 1h long sessions at the lab (Downing Site, Cambridge) and will include computer-based tasks and brain stimulation. Upon completion you’d receive £15 for your participation. To be eligible you would need to be 18-30 years old, with perfect (or corrected-to-normal) vision, right-handed, with no previous neuropsychiatric disorders and under no medication (except contraceptives). You should also have no contraindications for brain stimulation.
If you are interested please get in touch with us at psycabgr@hermes.cam.ac.uk using the subject title: [ABG_UG_18_19] Volunteering, to receive more information and book your experimental sessions.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
With kind regards,
the researchers at the Adaptive Brain Lab