[RESEARCH VOLUNTEER] Invitation to participate in study on alcohol
Dear all,
I am a part of a research team at the Behaviour and Health Research Unit (http://www.bhru.iph.cam.ac.uk/). We are conducting a study on the effects of alcohol on cognitive task performance amongst female students, funded by the Department of Health.
If you are a female student, aged 18 or over, and would be willing to take part in a study involving drinking red wine, I would be very grateful if you would consider taking part in this study. The study takes about 45 minutes, for which you will be paid £10. I have attached a Participant Information Sheet, which gives further details about what the study will involve.
If you would be happy to participate, find below the link for the available slots in March and April. There is no need to create an account on this website, simply select the slot and then enter your details. If you would prefer a different slot from those listed, please email me (zz329) to arrange a different time to take part. You’ll notice that there is more time allowed in the slots (1 hr 15 mins), however, the session typically takes 45 minutes to be completed.
The study will be held at the BCNI, which is located at Sir William Hardy building, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EB. The BCNI has a separate entrance to the main building entrance – please find the map attached.
Thank you!
Zorana Zupan