[Research] Brain Stimulation Study
The Adaptive Brain Lab are currently recruiting participants for a two-part study investigating how we learn to see in challenging visual environments. Participants should be aged between 18-34 and have normal or corrected-to-normal vision (contact lenses only). In the first part of the study (150 minutes), you will be asked to do a computer-based task while we record your brain activity with EEG. We will also apply very brief periods brain stimulation (TMS) for ~15 minutes during this session. The second session runs for ~50 minutes and is a computer-based task only. For both sessions, we would offer £35. Please note this study runs with first sessions at either 10am or 2pm Mon-Thursday. If you are interested in taking part or would like more information, please get in touch with Lizzie at psycabgr@hermes.cam.ac.uk, quoting “GPTMS” as the subject line.