[Research Volunteer] Participants wanted for paid psychological studies!
Some basic information about both studies is provided below.
Study 1
Study reference number: SMP18
Participation: One 90 minute and one 60 minute MRI scan at Addenbrookes, and approximately 2-3 hours of a computer task performed in our lab on the Downing site.
Eligibility criteria: Aged between 18-35
Normal or corrected-to-normal vision
MRI safe
Note: If you are interested in participating in Study 1, I will send you a form that will establish whether you are MRI safe.
Study 2
Study reference number: BO18
Participation: Four to six 60 minute sessions performed a computer task performed in our lab on the Downing site.
Eligibility criteria: Aged between 18-35
Normal or corrected-to-normal vision
IMPORTANT: If you have corrected-to-normal vision, correction must be in the form of contact lenses, which you must provide and be comfortable wearing.
Before being accepted for either study we may require you to attend an initial 60 minute screening session at our lab.
The rate of compensation is £10 per hour for scanning, plus £2.50 per scan for transportation, and £7.00 per hour for computer testing at our lab (including the screening session).
If you are eligible and interested in participating in one or both of the studies, please email abgresearch@psychol.cam.ac.uk with the study references number/s in the subject field, suggesting times/dates (on weekdays between 9am-6pm) when you are available to come to our lab on the Downing Site for screening/testing.
Best regards,