[Research Volunteer] Participants for a brain imaging study
Memory study (fMRI) (£30 for 2.5h)
The Memory Lab at the Department of Psychology is looking for volunteers to participate in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study investigating memory function across the lifespan. The study involves performing a computerized memory task while lying in the MRI scanner, and will take place at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. The study session will last up to 2 ½ hours, but participants will be in the scanner for only half of that time. Participants will be paid £30 and receive a high-quality picture of their brain!
We are looking for native English-speaking participants who are aged between 18 and 30, are right-handed, and have no current or historical diagnosis of any developmental, psychiatric, neurological disorder, or learning difficulty. Participants should also have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing and must not be colour blind.
If you’d be interested in taking part, or would like to receive further information about the study, please email Saana Korkki at smk62@cam.ac.uk.