[Event] OpenConCam 2017
OpenConCam 2017
Open for everyone: from open source investigative journalism to early career researchers resisting being ‘bullied into bad science’
Thu 16 Nov,
Betty and Gordon Moore Library,
Wilberforce Rd
Register (£5): http://onlinesales.admin.cam.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/plant-sciences/opencon/opencon-2017
OpenConCam aims to empower attendees to make a difference in their respective fields through open data, education and access and ensure that that difference is inclusive.We have a great program of speakers on topics such as open research, building diverse communities, the open source investigative journalism revolution and more, plus time scheduled to discuss actions that we can take to make a change in the world. We’re grateful to PeerJ and Arcadia for their support which keeps the cost low for all participants.
Follow us @OpenConCam and visit the event webpage: https://opencon2017cambridge.sched.com/