[Research Volunteer] How the brain processes the taste of soft drinks
Are you interested in how the brain processes the taste of sugar?
Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry are inviting healthy volunteers take part in a brain imaging study on how the brain processes the taste of soft drinks.
The study takes place at MRC, Cognition and Brain Science Unit, and consists of a 30 min screening session and 2.5h hour testing session. We will make functional MRI scans, while you taste soft drinks. We will also ask you to complete some personality questionnaires.
You will be compensated £60 for your time.
Eligibility criteria:
Normal or corrected-to-normal vision
Good command of English
Sometimes drinking soft drinks
18-40 years old
Body mass index (BMI) between 18.5-24.9 kg/m2
No history of brain injury/neurosurgery
Not undergoing current dieting
No neurological disorder, psychiatric condition or psychoactive medication
If you think you might like to participate, please contact Elena Mainetto for more information:
E-mail: em725@cam.ac.uk