[Notices] Cambridge’s Graduate Choir
The Wren Choir, also termed “Cambridge’s Graduate Choir” meets for rehearsals and performances almost exclusively during the University Vacations, thus is suitable for those who have a link with the University but are now postgraduates or employed full-time in Cambridge or the surrounding area. It is particularly suitable for those post-grads who either have a Term-time choir, or heavy teaching commitments during Term which mean they miss out on choir membership entirely. Membership is open to anyone who has a past or present link with the University who is an experienced singer, for example, has been a member of a chapel choir for a couple of years.
The commitment is low as members sign up to do a particular performance and the associated rehearsals if they are available. We generally have one or two ad hoc gigs during the Christmas Vac, one during the Easter Vac, and one each end of the Long Vac. People are not blacklisted if they have a couple of busy vacations and can’t join in for a while. Rehearsals and most performances take place in Pembroke’s “Wren” Chapel, and are always in the evening, normally at 6pm after the working day. The Wrens are social choir, and rehearsals are generally followed by the chance to go to a pub with other choir members.
Our current plan for the Christmas Vac is an Epiphany service at All Saints in Milton, 1.30pm for 3.30pm on Sunday 7th January 2018.
If you are interested in joining the mailing list, please email Heather Coleman on hmc@mole.bio.cam.ac.uk with your voice type and a brief summary of your prior singing experience.