Category: Job Opportunity
The A.T. Kearney Academy will be run 10-12th April on a luxury English estate. It is the London office’s flagship insight programme into life in strategy consulting and the diverse array of work we do...
As part of a new initiative, we are very keen to run a 2 day Socratic Symposium (a sort of festival of learning) in the summer term of 2019 for our year 12s. The...
Want to gain work experience and make a difference this summer? Of course you do! We’re offering passionate and socially-minded students the opportunity to spend part of summer 2019 working with an inspiring and...
By way of introduction my name is Harvey Briggs and I currently work as a Research Analyst at Goldsmith & Co., a boutique executive search firm based in Manhattan, New York that predominantly recruits...
Would you like to contribute to scientific research and earn money? Then sign up to the research pool. You will find announcements of participant recruitment for all our current research studies. Sign up here: With...
Oxford Royale Academy is an award winning British summer school which provides prestigious academic courses to a predominately international student base. We have 16 sites across the UK (Cambridge, Oxford, London, Ascot and St...
Reach Cambridge is looking for postgraduate students, researchers and professionals in various disciplines to teach on our academic summer school courses in July and August 2019 We offer competitive rates and expenses, autonomy in...
Recruitment for 2019 summer positions is now in full swing and we are actively looking for great candidates to join Cambridge Summer Institute’s team. This is a great opportunity for University of Cambridge students...
Looking for work at the University this summer? The University of Cambridge International Summer Programmes (at ICE) are currently recruiting a team of Cambridge Student Assistants. The full time posts start on Tuesday 2...
LOVVOL offer the opportunity for students to explore China in an engaging manner. The internships combine leadership, teaching, teambuilding, global awareness and cultural immersion. This allows for us to meet our dual purpose; to...