[Job opportunity] Admissions Assessment Markers
Applicants for these undergraduate courses will be taking a pre-interview assessment on 30 October. While Section 1 is multiple choice and machine-marked, the Section 2 scripts will be marked in Cambridge from Monday 4th to Friday 8th November. Further details of the assessment specifications and sample content can be found at https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/applying/admissions-assessments/pre-interview.
The core marking hours are between 9am and 6pm, and you can opt for morning (9am-1pm) and/or afternoon (2pm-6pm) sessions. You will be paid £24 per hour with short breaks included, and all marking will take place on the New Museums Site. Priority will be given to those markers who can be available for the majority of the week. You must have the right to work in the UK.
Interested applicants should register their interest by 6pm on Sunday 15 September using this link: https://qsharingeu.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ezxU2VTzXatqnqJ
Please contact Jack Tavener (jt393@cam.ac.uk) if you require further information.