Our Commitment to Equality
Dear MCR,
Allow me to draw your attention to this outstanding initiative. Gathering support for those who find themselves in a situation of impeded access to private tutoring, the CIT is your chance to help others.
The Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative, global non-profit startup, was started in March on the same day that the UK Government announced national school closures. Whilst necessary, the closures increased the disparity between those young people who can access private tutoring and those who cannot.
The initiative connects university students with young people who need free tutoring in any KS3, GCSE or A-Level subject. Within the first week of launching, CTI had 3,000 university students express interest in volunteering with them and their tutor base continues to grow. They now have over 1800 students and 4000 tutors signed up with them, and have completed over 20,000 hours of tutoring!
The Coronavirus Tutoring Initiative is committed to promoting equality and diversity in education, and we recognise that to do so we need to create a diverse and inclusive working environment within CTI so that all staff, tutors and students feel valued and respected.
Should you believe that this is something you want to get involved with, you might want to join the team and become a tutor yourself.
Let us start 2021 by providing continued support and solidarity to those who find themselves affected by the pandemic.
MCR Love,
The MCR Committee