[SURVEY] Big Cambridge Survey
CUSU is currently running the 2018 Big Cambridge Survey, which aims to find out student views on a wide range of issues about student life in Cambridge and allows CUSU to identify areas of student concern and differences in student experience across the university.
The results are available to JCRs and MCRs as well, so we can compare the views of students across colleges on important issues. All published data from the survey is anonymised, with only broad trends of student opinion across faculties, colleges and demographic groupings used in the final report.
By filling in the survey, you will help improve the accuracy of CUSU’s findings on student opinion and improve the information available to JCR and MCR representatives. Even better, the college with the highest response rate and one respondent selected at random will each win £100 from CUSU!
Please fill out the survey at cusu.co.uk/bcs