[RESEARCH VOLUNTEER] Project into the Feeling of Being Offended
My name is Gavin Stevenson, I am an PhD student in the department of Sociology and am currently undertaking a project into the feeling of being offended. I am recruiting participants for interviews, expected to last one hour to discuss their experiences of having been offended.
If you are willing to participate, you will be asked before the interview to think of something that you have recently been offended by. During the interview, you will be asked to give a description of a situation in which you took or felt offence. Following your descriptions you will be asked a series of questions about your experiences. Please ensure it is something that you are comfortable and able to talk about during the interview.
All interviews will be conducted in university department buildings or colleges and rooms will be found and negotiated based upon convenience to you. All interviews will be voice-recorded to allow a full-transcription by the interviewer (unless requested otherwise). All information will be anonymised within the study, to ensure no information or quotations can be directly linked back to you.
For more information about the study, or to volunteer to participate, please do not hesitate to email me: gms46@cam.ac.uk