[RESEARCH VOLUNTEER] Looking for heterosexual men to take part in online study
Dear Students,
I am an MPhil student at Cambridge University studying Criminological Research. I am looking for participants for a pilot study for my dissertation research. If you would like a quick break from your studies please follow the link at the bottom of the email and take part, as this is a pilot study please email me if you have any difficulties when doing the study.
The study involves an image/word categorisation task and a short survey on your opinions about different types of behaviour. This study will be valuable in improving understanding of how automatic associations relate to people’s attitudes about actions.
The study is completely anonymous and will take around 10 minutes to complete. I hope you will find it an entertaining experience.
If you are over 18, heterosexual, male, and interested in contributing to understanding human behaviour, then please go to
http://socialsci.com/s/heterostudy to complete the study.
Thanks in advance to all of those who take part!