MCR Bulletin July 2014
- [VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] visual perception study
- [GRADUATE UNION] Executive Committee positions in the Graduate Union
[VOLUNTEERS NEEDED] visual perception study
Volunteers needed for a visual perception study – £7.50 payment
We are currently recruiting participants for a simple experiment investigating visual perception. The study will require you to attend 1 testing session, lasting approximately 45 minutes. You will be asked to look at neutral images and make simple judgements about them. The study will take place at the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute on the Downing Site (just off Downing Street). You will receive £7.50 for your time.
Participants must be between 18 and 45 years, right-handed, have normal or corrected-to- normal vision, and be native speakers of English. They must have no history of, or be currently suffering from, psychiatric illness or drug or alcohol abuse. If you would like more information then please contact Beth Venus.
Best wishes,
[GRADUATE UNION] Executive Committee positions in the Graduate Union
Dear all,
Many thanks to those of you who came to the last meeting of GU Council. As we discussed, all positions on the GU Executive Committee are up for election this summer.
I include a list of the positions here, and encourage you to circulate this amongst your MCRs, and particularly amongst any current or former MCR committee members who might be interested in getting involved.
If anybody would like to go forward towards election, they should contact for further details.
THE TREASURER, who shall be responsible for the Trustee Board for administering the finances of the Union. S/he shall oversee the preparation of the annual budget and accounts; ensure that they are properly audited and present them to the Council at the Annual General Meeting.
THE SECRETARY, who shall be responsible for the administration of all Committee and Council meetings, for creating and distributing agendas, and for taking and publishing minutes from such meetings.
THE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER, who shall be responsible for all events, campaigns and projects relating to the promotion and protection of the interests of the Members with regard to academic affairs.
THE WELFARE OFFICER, who shall be responsible for all events, campaigns and projects that promote and protect the interests of the Members with regard to welfare.
THE INTERNATIONAL OFFICER, who shall be responsible for all events, campaigns and projects relating to the promotion and protection of the interests of the GU’s international members.
THE EVENTS OFFICER, who shall be responsible for organising a variety of events throughout the year that contribute to the social wellbeing of Members and generating income for the GU through events.
THE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, who shall be responsible for the GU’s publicity material, online presence and membership engagement.
THE FAMILIES OFFICER, who shall be responsible for all events, campaigns and projects that promote and protect the interests of families amongst the Members, as well as helping to maintain the Family Society.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICER, who shall be responsible for ensuring that the GU’s projects and administration are sustainable and environmentally friendly and liaise with College Green Officers.
THE MATURE UNDERGRADUATES OFFICER, who shall be responsible for ensuring that Mature Undergraduates are properly represented within the GU and the CUSU, run all events, campaigns and projects that promote and protect the interest of the GU’s non-graduate members, and be responsible for maintaining a network of these members.
THE WOMEN’S OFFICER, who shall be a self-defined woman whose role is to support the rights and welfare of female graduate students.
Best wishes,
Richard Jones – President
Cambridge University Graduate Union-