Thank You Clare
Dear Clare,
Thank you everyone who joined the Garden party yesterday. I had a wonderful time and I hope you did too! A special thanks goes out to the MCR committee and in particular the bar managers, social secs, Dafni and big strong Joe for their hard work to create this lovely afternoon.
I am also happy to announce the results of our by-elections. Olly and Toby are your new bar managers. Dominika is going to be Jac´s social sec partner. Congratulations to the elected. I am very glad to have you on the committee. It is going to be an exciting next year!
Lastly, I would like to say a few words to all those who are leaving Cambridge this year. Clare College MCR is a special place to me because of you. We all had such an amazing time together. Please remember that you will always be a member of this College and that your MCR community looks forward to seeing you again!
I wish everyone a great summer and all the best for their future careers.
Lots of Clare love,